Our projects
4 Digits Consulting – Judiciary and Public Sector Support has in the recent period implemented several large justice sector projects in Serbia and has ongoing projects as well.

Working with CoE Project “Support for the implementation of the judicial reform in Serbia”
November 2022 – ongoing
As per the CoE tender for Provision of short-term local consultancy services on independence and accountability of the judiciary, internal organisation of the judiciary, judicial training and caselaw harmonisation in Serbia (2022/AO/19), the "4 Digits Consulting" was awarded a framework contract in June 2022.
As part of this framework contract, 4DC was awarded in November 2022 a contract to analyse the current process and practices in regard to case-law harmonization. As part of this assignment the expert conducted, inter alia, the following activities:
- Design and deliver training on administration and methods of entry of court decisions in the existing case-law database for up to 60 staff of the Supreme Court of Cassation and submit a report on the provided training with recommendations for future training needs;
- Analyse business processes in courts in relation to case law harmonisation and identify current challenges in implementation of available ICT solutions in courts, including through stakeholder interviews and submit report with recommendations on improvement of business processes in courts aimed at supporting harmonisation of judicial practice and prevention of conflicting case-law;
- Develope tailor made methodology on business processes in courts (including case law classification, identification and harmonisation of judicial practice based on key words).
Also, in January 2023, 4DC was awarded an additional contract to draft an ICT Strategy of the Judicial Academy (Strategy for e-Academy) with the following tasks:
- Assess the functioning of the current ICT system of the Judicial Academy to identify gaps, upgrade needs and directions for improvement;
- Analyse all applications and/or services utilised by the JA, including their internal linkages, including the assessment of the key JA applications;
- Facilitate meetings with the IT staff at the Judicial Academy and the Working Group of the Judicial Academy tasked with developing the Guidelines for Strategy for E-Academy;
- Develop draft Strategy for E-Academy with recommendations on the required update of the ICT system of the JA to inform the implementation of the CoE grant, reflecting the needs of the Academy;
- Incorporate comments of the stakeholders in the final Strategy for E-Academy

Analysis of the current state of ICT in the Ministry of Interior department’s responsible for fight against money laundering and terrorist financing
August 2022 – ongoing
As part of the Council of Europe project “Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia”, 4 Digits Consulting was awarded in August 2022 a contract to analyse the current state of ICT in the Ministry of Interior department’s responsible for fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
As part of this assignment the following activities should be carried out:
1) conduct scoping meetings with the Ministry of Interior (Financial Intelligence and other relevant units within the Ministry), in order to analyse their existing IT capacities to conduct financial investigations and to determine their present status and priority needs,
2) based on the findings from the scoping meetings and desk review of other available resources, prepare an assessment report of the Ministry of Interior IT needs to provide for enhanced capacities for financial investigations, which should provide recommendations for development/purchase of new IT systems,
3) based on the needs assessment and feedback from the stakeholders, prepare detailed business requirements for acquisition or development of an IT solution to be used by the Serbian authorities (particularly, Ministry of Interior) for optimisation of financial investigations,
4) support the procurement process of the Serbian authorities, the assessment of potential bidders and ensure that those are in line with the needs assessment and business requirements.
By November 2022, the assessment report has been drafted and submitted for review and comments.

Creation of ICT Strategy for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
March 2022 – September 2022
As part of the World Bank financed Serbia Agriculture Competitive Project (SCAP), 4 Digits Consulting was awarded a contract in March 2022 for Creation of ICT Strategy for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.
The goal of this project was to develop a comprehensive ICT strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, creating a strategic policy framework for further improvement of the application of ICT in agriculture in the Republic of Serbia. This strategy has, through its individual phases, drafted a series of documents that represent a coherent basis for the future development of ICT in the agricultural sector, in accordance with the general strategic objectives of the Ministry. This high paced project was completed by end of September 2022, with final delivery and acceptance of the final ICT Strategy and Roadmap document.

Design and development the new website of the State Attorney's Office - Agency Department before the European Court of Human Rights
February 2022 – July 2022
In February 2022, 4 Digits Consulting was awarded a contract by the Council of Europe in Serbia, to design and develop the new website of the State Attorney's Office - Agency Department before the European Court of Human Rights (https://zastupnik.gov.rs).
The goal of the project was to enhance visibility of the work the SAO Agency Department before the European Court of Human Rights. In particular, the new website was to include interconnectivity and exchange of data between relevant databases. As such, the project included development of the case-law database within the new website, which comprises translated and integral ECHR decisions against Serbia, and other member-states of the Council of Europe (the database is functionally a combination of HUDOC and HUDOC-EXEC databases), as well as implementation of the list of descriptors compatible with HUDOC database.

Design and development of new website of the Judicial Academy and Electronic Library
June 2022 – December 2022
The goal of the project was to further increase the transparency of the Judicial Academy by providing a modern visual solution to their website, but still following the guidelines for design of government institution websites. Furthermore, the new website includes additional features and functionalities, ensuring greater access to justice through provision of additional, easy to access, information. These functionalities include a new searchable Electronic Library of all kinds of digital content (documents in all kinds of formats, presentations, video materials, audio materials etc.), as well as linkage of e-Case database with the ECHR decisions (www.e-case.eakademija.com/).
With finalization of an exhaustive migration of the content from the old website, and delivery of end user training, this project was finalized in December 2022.

Analysis on the required number of administrative staff in public prosecutors' offices in Serbia
March 2021 – October 2021
As part of the Council of Europe project Horizontal Facility Phase II Action 9 Strengthening Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary, under activity Development of internal regulations on enhancing prosecutorial autonomy, 4 Digits Consulting was awarded in March 2021 a contract to analyze required number of administrative staff in public prosecutors' offices in Serbia and draft amendments to the Rulebook on Criteria for Determining the Number of Staff in the Public Prosecutor's Office.
This project was completed by end of October 2021, with round table, organized for presentation of draft analysis and discussion on it’s findings and recommendations. Participants of the round table were representatives of all levels of prosecutorial organization in Serbia. After discussion and positive comments, the document was accepted.

Post Mortem Analysis of Anti-Corruption Cases
July 2019 – December 2019
The project conducted under the larger-scale, USAID-funded “Government Accountability Initiative (GAI)”. The Government Accountability Initiative is a four year, USAID-funded activity, aimed at strengthening capacities and connections of key Serbian stakeholders to increase government accountability at the national and local levels. The project was awarded in February 2018, and is implemented by Checchi and Company Consulting, Inc.

EU for Serbia – Support to the Supreme Court of Cassation
September 2018 – February 2021
This was a two-and-a-half-year project funded by the Delegation of the EU in Serbia with a total budget of 2.3 mil EUR. The project was implemented by a consortium led by British Council, where 4 Digits Consulting was a core member of the consortium, providing the Team Leader, several Key Experts as well as most non-key Senior and Junior experts. Project target areas of intervention were further Backlog Reduction, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Case Law Harmonization, aiming to improve both efficiency and quality of justice.

Judicial Efficiency Project
February 2016 – August 2018
This is a two-year, 4 million EUR justice sector project in Serbia funded by the Delegation of the European Union, was implemented by a consortium led by British Council, where 4 Digits Consulting and its experts held key roles and responsibilities. The project’s main purpose was to improve the performance of judicial bodies and their ability to measure performance through standardization of work processes and procedures, the introduction of new and improved methodologies, better communication with the public, enhancement of professional competencies and revision of the legislative framework.

Rule of Law Project in Serbia (RoLPS)
June 2017 – Ongoing
This is a four-year USAID funded project, where 4 Digits Consulting is a sub-contractor, who is providing services related to the legal framework analysis and business process analysis of the State's Attorneys Office, the Chamber of Enforcement Officers and the individual public enforcement officers, as well as functional specification for the improvements of their case management system.

Institutional Strengthening of the High Court Council
October 2015 – October 2017
This was a two-year 500.000 USD grant award by the USAID, implemented fully by “4 Digits Consulting”. We developed High Court Council communication Strategy for 2016-2018, and implemented centralized statistical collection and reporting system for all basic and higher courts, the first in the history of Serbian judiciary.