Legal Expert and
Executive Director at 4DC

Marko Jovanovic, Legal Expert at 4DC
Marko Jovanović is an experienced legal expert with nearly 10 years of experience in Rule of Law projects in Serbia. His field of expertise is legal framework analysis and legal drafting, organisation and provision of training for court staff, judges and public prosecutors. He has been actively included in most of Serbian Judiciary capacity building EU funded projects, from the beginning of implementation of National Judiciary Reform Strategy 2006, and latter NJRS 2013-2018. During the period 2006 -2010 he was involved in projects related to capacity building of High Judicial Council and State Prosecutorial Council. Within USAID funded SPP he worked on strengthening of capacities of courts for: accurate reporting, organization of court administrative work and case management (court reports analysis, court managers’ introduction in court system, trainings for judges in cooperation with Judicial Academy, participation in working group on Law on court organization). Within the same project he delivered training for so called e-filling (electronical communication with parties).
Most recently, within EU funded project Implementation of the new Serbian Code of Criminal Procedure, he worked on improving capacities of judges and prosecutors for implementing of changed criminal procedure (Preparation of TNA; organization of trainings in close cooperation with JA) coordination of project activities with program and activities of Judicial Academy.
Areas of expertise:
Basic information
Personal Details
Date of birth: April 17th 1977
Education: Lawyer (LL.M)
Civil Status: Married
professional experience
Head of Legal Unit
4 Digits Consulting
USAID funded project - „Institutional Capacity Building of the High Court Council “ His main responsibilities include: organization of training sessions and workshops (e-filing in courts, financial planning training for HJC AO, HCC HR application training organization);drafting monthly reports; drafting the HCC Communication Strategy 2016-2018; analysis of the High Court Council in-take office and development of CMS/DMS specification;
Legal Advisor
Belit DOO
MoJ project: Drafting of technical specifications for the development of the business information system for Ministry of Justice of Republic of Serbia - Meetings with representatives of all departments of MoJ, Analysis of business processes in MoJ, Drafting of technical specification
MARCH 2004 - JULY 2015
Short term Legal expert
B&S Europe
EU funded project: Implementation of the new Serbian Code of Criminal Procedure. Main duties were: analysis of the Code of Criminal Procedure; conducting Training Needs Assessment; preparing training materials; organizing trainings for judges, prosecutors, police officers and defense counsels relating Code of Criminal Procedure; coordination of project activities with plans and work of Judicial Academy.
Legal Expert
USAID funded project: Separation of Powers Program. Main tasks included support to: e-filing implementation in courts in Serbia – trainings for court administration including preparation of training materials and organization and delivery of the capacity-building sessions relating to e-filing in courts.;
AUGUST 2013 - JANUARY 2014
Legal Expert
World Bank
WB funded project: Review of the Criminal Case Process Project. He was responsible for the review of the Criminal Case Process, drafting questionnaires, drafting reports, meetings with judges, prosecutors, police officers;
APRIL 2013 - JULY 2013
Short term Legal expert
EU funded project; Evaluation of efficiency of projects in Justice and Home Affairs sector. His main responsibilities included: interviewing participants (stakeholders in projects implementation), drafting reports, drafting questionnaires;
FEBRUARY 2013 - MARCH 2013
Short term Legal expert
GIZ funded project: Legal Reform Project. Mr Jovanovic worked on analysis on fulfillment of the goals set in Action plan of the National Judicial Reform Strategy from 2006 and of current state in implementation of the National Judicial Reform Strategy from 2006
Deputy Task Manager
USAID funded project: Separation of Powers Programme. His main responsibilities were: organization and delivering of trainings for court presidents, judges and court managers, in cooperation with Judicial Academy, as well as delivering on the job trainings for court administrative staff relating to aspects of courts’ administration and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of judges and support staff; work on backlog reduction - analyzing of courts’ results and meetings with backlog reduction teams in courts; providing support to Working group for Law on Court organization and WG for development of case weighting methodology.
JULY 2011 - SEPTEMBER 2012
Legal Advisor
EC Delegation in Belgrade
EU funded project; Monitoring the re-election Decision review procedure in HJC/SPC. Highlights of activates; monitoring of hearings in front of commissions of HJC and SPC and reporting from these hearings; monitoring and reporting from HJC and SPC sessions; analyzing of entire decision review process (compliance with laws and regulations, is the purpose of review achieved etc.);
JUNE 2010 - JUNE 2011
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
EU funded project: Enhancing the capacities of the Legal Professional Associations towards European Union. Preparation of comparative analysis on position of Legal Professional Associations in EU countries, Organization of workshops and trainings with MEDEL and IAP representatives.
JULY 2011 - SEPTEMBER 2012
Short term Legal Advisor
OSCE – Support to establishing the Judicial Training Academy project. His main tasks were: facilitating the transformation of the Judicial Training Centre into a sustainable Judicial Training Academy, drafting framework document for new mentorship system in Judicial Academy: meetings with main stakeholders in area of establishing of Judicial Academy, drafting comparative analysis of international legal solutions of mentorships in judicial training systems.
FEBRUARY 2010 - JUNE 2010
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
AECID funded project; Strengthening of capacities of Serbia in fight against corruption, AECID. Main tasks were: participating in drafting the Manual for fight against corruption; conducting legal research on a broad range of issues of anticorruption action; training and capacity building design; delivery of training for public prosecutors relating to aspects of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the prosecutors and support staff in fight against corruption.
NOVEMBER 2008 - APRIL 2010
Local long term expert – Legal Advisor
European Consultants Organization sprl, Brussels, Belgium
EU funded project: Technical assistance to the High Judicial Council. Responsible for: Providing technical assistance to establishing and organizing of the new bodies – High Judicial Council and State Prosecutorial Council, conducting legal research on a broad range of issues in national and international law, Member of numerous Working Groups (Rulebook on criteria on election of Public Prosecutors, Rulebook on criteria on evaluation of work of Public Prosecutors, Rulebook on disciplinary issues for Public Prosecutors); Organizing workshops and discussion groups with main stakeholders aiming capacity building of newly established HJC and SPC, capacity building activities in areas of organization, international coordination; establishing Administrative office and efficient functioning of new bodies.
JULY 2009 - JANUARY 2010
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
Strengthening of capacity of Public Prosecutors in environmental law. Responsible for: development and drafting of curriculum for training of Public Prosecutors relating to capacity building of prosecutorial organization and aspects of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the prosecutors in area of environmental protection;
MAY 2008 - NOVEMBER 2008
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
EU funded: Strengthening of idea of European integration among Public Prosecutors. Responsible for: Conducting training on EU historical development, organization, EU law and standards relating to capacity building of prosecutorial organization and aspects of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the prosecutors, Preparation of legal analysis related to historical development of gender equality in prosecution service in Serbia.
Court administration specialist
International Management Group
Improving the delivery of justice in the courts in Serbia project. Main responsibilities included: organizing, drafting and conducting training for judges and court staff in 20 courts in Serbia addressing project management, PR activities and efficiency of the court work, coordination with other institutions, victim and witness protection and IT trainings for court staff.
DECEMBER 2007 - APRIL 2008
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
CIDA funded Project, State Prosecutorial Council (member of working group for drafting bylaws). Responsible for: Conducting legal research on a broad range of issues in national and international law related to position of Public Prosecutors, drafting legal opinions and comparative analysis on national and international law related to position of Public Prosecutors, Preparation of recommendations with templates of prosecutorial legal acts
AUGUST 2007 - JUNE 2008
Legal Advisor
Association of Public Prosecutors
CIDA Project, Manual for Public Prosecutors (co-author) . Responsible for; Research on present practice in Public Prosecution service in Serbia including ethic aspects of Prosecutors acting, Drafting of recommendation for unification of Public Prosecutors practice in whole country;
JUNE 2006 - SEPTEMBER 2007
Legal Advisor
EU funded project: Judicial Reform Strategy Implementation Secretariat,. Marko was responsible for: conducting legal research on a broad range of issues in national and international law; supporting numerous Working Groups (Law on Public Prosecution, Law on Public Prosecutors, Law on State Prosecutorial Council, Law on Bar Exam, Law on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities); organizing and conducting Regional and National conferences and Round tables; capacity building of Serbian judiciary in implementation of National Judiciary Reform Strategy 2006; cooperation with Judicial training center relating to capacity building of judiciary through enhancing of JTC capacities - analysis of training curricula and training delivery methods.
Lawyer (LL.M)
Faculty of Law - University of Belgrade
Department of Criminal Law
I'm Good At...
Justice Sector Reforms
Legal Drafting
Organizing round tables, debates and seminars
Training and capacity-building
Analysis and Reporting
let's get in touch
Contact Details
If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Phone number

Email Address
