

Lead Legal Expert


Dimitrije Sujeranovic, Legal Expert at 4DC

Mr. Šujeranović is Lead Legal Expert in the association, and an experienced lawyer with over 1​5 years of experience in judiciary change management, improvement of court operations and automation, judiciary capacity building, legal system and law analysis, legal drafting, as well as business analysis in court and public sector procedures.

For the last decade, he has worked on in the field of e-Justice, both in Serbia and abroad. His work with the USAID funded CCASA project (Commercial Court Administration Strengthening Activity), implemented by Booz Allen Hamilton (McLean, Virginia), led to the implementation of AVP case management system in all commercial courts in Serbia, through which a modern ICT tool has been provided to the Serbian judiciary. Further experience in e-Justice was gained through the implementation of a CMS solution in five district courts in Indonesia through the USAID In-ACCE project, implemented by Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as through the support to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia, implemented by the World Bank, in the implementation of the AVP CMS in all basic and higher courts in Serbia.

As a continuation of his work in the justice sector, Mr. Šujeranović has worked with the USAID funded SPP project (Separation of Powers Program), implemented by East-West Management Institute (New York City, NY), in matters related to budgetary and financial functioning of the judicial bodies, implementing the Budget Planning and Management Information System (BPMIS) in the Serbian High Court Council. As a recent achievement, Mr. Šujeranović worked on the establishment and implementation of the e-filing methodology in Serbian courts, enabling electronic filling and communication between courts and court users.

Mr. Šujeranović also worked as a short-term expert in Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the Judiciary Project, implemented by the National Center for State Courts.

Areas of expertise:

  • Strong organizational skills, with knowledge in administrative and financial aspects of project management, including employee’s contracts, establishment of project offices and employment policies;
  • Experienced trainer for introduction of new procedures, laws, bylaws and court software applications, previously trained more than 2000 court staff in Serbian commercial, basic and higher courts;
  • Organizer of seminars, workshops, rollout plans and activities, as well as media events and public presentations;
  • Author of several manuals and publications for introduction of new standards and changed court operations, lecturer at Judiciary Academy in Serbia;
  • Experience in multi-cultural, different social and ethnic societies, ability to communicate with all levels of professionals (finished Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs);
  • Great network and connections with professionals at all levels from court clerks and judges to university professors, government officials from legislative branch, nongovernment sector and international experts all over the world;
  • Great analytical and reporting skills, proven presentation skills for counterparts, institutions and media,
  • Good knowledge of European legal system (specialisation in EU law, obtained a title of EU Law Specialist from the University of Nancy-France) and international legal practice;
  • Willing to take responsibility, learn and improve knowledge, travel and lead reform processes, based on previous experience, as well as, to maintain professional relationships with colleagues, counterparts and institutions.

Basic information

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 2nd 1971

Education: Lawyer (LL.M)



Sector Manager

East-West Management Institute

(USAID-funded Separation of Powers Program - SPP)

  • e-filing methodology implementer in Serbian courts
  • Improvement of the High Judicial Council (HCC) capacity to acquire and perform 
  • Development and implementation of e-filing methodology for Serbian courts
  • Creation of annual budgetary plans for the HCC and courts’ budgets
  • Creation of capacity building within HCC and the courts with regards to budgetary and financial matters
  • Implementation of custom made software (Budget Planning and Management Information System) for financial issues in HCC
  • Creator of the HCC internal procedures
  • Training for the court staff and High Court Council on new laws, procedures and budget software
  • Creator and lecturer of training curricula for court presidents and court managers in Judiciary Academy in Serbia

MARCH 2010 - NOVEMBER 2011

Consultant to the assistant minister of justice

World Bank

  • Analysis of relevant case types (criminal, litigation, bankruptcy, enforcement) in order to create automated case flow,
  • Overseeing and monitoring implementation of the Case Management System,
  • Giving suggestions regarding changes in the CMS according to court’s needs, proposing changes in the workflow during the implementation,
  • Working on the change management during the CMS implementation,
  • Proposing changes in the Court Rules of procedures for Serbian courts based on new Case Management System needs,
  • Analyzing statistical reports created from the CMS and propose measures in order to reduce backlog, improve efficiency,
  • Proposing new functionalities in the CMS in order to make in appropriate and flexible for the court users,
  • Trainer for over 1500 court employees on new application for case management,
  • Enabled case overview on-line (docket on-line) for all basic and higher courts in Serbian judiciary (www.portal.sud.rs),
  • Promotion of impartial, independent judiciary and public awareness of court procedures,
  • Member of the working group for implementation of new law on enforcement and securities,
  • Co-creator of the application for unified database for enforcement debtors within the Ministry of justice, 
  • Co-creator of application for private bailiffs in Serbia


Legal Advisor

(at In-ACCE, USAID sponsored project)

Booz Allen Hamilton

Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Analysis of criminal cases in order to create anticorruption strategy for Indonesian judiciary
  • Analysis of Legislation and court case flow, creation of work flow applicable to automated case management system, in accordance with international standards;
  • Creation of specifications and Implementation of the Case Management System in five district model courts in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar and Semarang, including installation and training for court staff;
  • Propose changes in positive legislation in order to improve work processes in courts;
    Development of a plan for expansion of CMS activities to other district courts in Indonesia
  • Creation of the courts’ Web sites in order to enhance transparency and communication with courts

MAY 2001 - DECEMBER 2008

Deputy Director

(at CCASA, USAID sponsored project)

Booz Allen Hamilton

  • Developer and Trainer for Case Data Collection Instrument (CDCI) implemented in all 17 commercial courts/ conducted training for over 400 court staff (judges, judges assistants, court clerks, registrars)
  • Developer and Trainer for Case Management System (CMS) implemented in 16 commercial courts and High Commercial Court, conducted training for over 400 court clerks, typists, judges and judges assistants;
  • Analysis of Legislation and court case flow, creation of work flow applicable for automated IT case management system, in accordance with international standards;
  • Creation of the court business model procedures and advanced workflow;
  • Creation of the “court fee calculation and collection” software-first specification;
  • As a Deputy Director dealt with all other management issues like: project strategy development, human resource selection, office lease issues, developer of implementation and training planning, drafting of the proposed changes of the Court Rules of Procedure and relevant laws, etc.
  • Creator and developer of “Docket Sheet/Popis Spisa” and “Court Statistics and hearing schedule” on-line, for the first time in the history of Serbian judiciary (visit: http://www.portal.sud.rs)
  • Increasing of the transparency of court procedures, improvement of the court efficiency and accountability;
  • Member of the Working Groups for Bankruptcy procedure enhancements, Court rules of procedures improvements and Civil code changes;

DECEMBER 1997- MAY 2004

Legal Advisor

Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations,

Republic of Serbia

  • Bilateral and Multilateral economic relations
  • Drafting of bilateral and multilateral agreements and contracts in mining and trade areas
  • Negotiations with foreign investors and establishment of conditions for foreign investments for green field investments in crude oil industry, trade and copper and
    minerals extraction areas (with Angola, Iraq, Syria and South Africa)
  • Promotion of investments conditions and environment at international forums



1990 - 1996

Lawyer (LL.M)

Faculty of Law - University of Belgrade

Law Studies


I'm Good At...

CDCI and CMS systems

BPMIS software for budget and finance




Analysis and Reporting

let's get in touch

Contact Details

If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Phone number

Email Address

