Strengthening of the Electronic Case Law Database of the Supreme Court of Cassation

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As part of the framework contract with the Council of Europe for provision of short-term local consultancy services on independence and accountability of the judiciary, internal organisation of the judiciary, judicial training and case-law harmonisation in Serbia, the 4 Digits Consulting has conducted a series of activities related to further strengthening of the utilization of the Supreme Court of Cassation’s Electronic Case Law Database.

As part of the conducted activities, 4DC delivered a series of trainings to SCC judges and administrative staff, on the use and administration of the electronic case law database. In total 61 participants have taken part in the training – judges, judicial assistants, court staff and IT administrators, through four separate training sessions carried out from December 2022 throughout February 2023.

In addition, 4DC drafted a series of recommendations for further upgrades to the case law database. These recommendations encompassed both technical recommendations aimed at functional upgrades to the database, as well as organizational/business process recommendations, that focus on establishing an overall environment in which the case law database would be fully utilized.